What is AIX?

A crazy question huh. I was wondering how many people who will fall on my blog by mistake or even who meant to will know what AIX stand for. So I thought I will give a hint to all of you.

According to wikipedia AIX (A dvanced I nteractive eXecutive) is a proprietary UNIX operating system from IBM. Originally meant “Advanced IBM Unix” but the name probably was not approved by the legal department and was changed to “Advanced Interactive Executive

Its official development owner website is http://www-03.ibm.com/servers/aix/ further more the biggest addon to AIX from other Unix flavors is the SMIT administration tool, which is a text mode interface that easy administration tasks in AIX.

Ah, I hope now you can say it loud with a proud I know what is AIX. Haha please leave a comment on what do you think of it?

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