How to check for NICs installed in your Redhat Machine

When asked how many NICs are installed in the Redhat Machine you are working on, you don’t have to run to the server room to check how many physically have been installed. Actually you don’t even need a screw drive to open the box and figure that out. It seems a lot of people are asking this question on daily basis: “How can we find out how many NICs are installed in our Redhat host without checking it physically?” As with everything else for Linux, there is a command that can do the trick for you and reports all the NIC cards that have been detected by the kernel. Below is all the commands you will need for the task:

lspci | grep -i eth

dmesg | grep -i eth


The above commands will get you to display all the NIC cards detected by your Redhat OS and reports their information as well, which you might require to further configure the cards.

Hope this help

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