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Calibre The Open Source ebook Library Manager

As many of us have been moving lately from physical books to ebooks, as they are more convenient on the go, and better for the environment. I know nothing is like a physical book, but sometime we need to adapt and benefit of the convenience ebooks bring. The challenge with ebooks that you can end up with many of them scattered on your device with no order what so ever, which make it very hard to find that ebook you were reading a month ago while looking to remember or confirm a particular piece that you read or if you wanted to share it with a colleague or friend.

Tiny Core Linux is one of my favorite lab OS

Due to the type of work I do, I have often the need for small (Actually very tiny) VMs that have a functional OS to test certain basic functionality such as connectivity and quick features of automation solutions. While I could use a full blown OS for it, I have always found Tiny Core Linux to be my favorite for this use case for the following reasons:

Tiny Core Linux Logo

1- It’s Open Source and free!!! Oh, yeah I would have not paid for other type of OS usually for lab or test use and used a try out version or so on, but it get tiring after a while to see your try out version expired and having to re-setup a new one at the time you most needed it, when running a demo!!

containerd is a great Open Source container run time!!

While Docker had been for the longest time the name you are most probably to hear when ever the discussion of containers run time come up, lately containerd has becoming so popular that you are hearing it just as often. The fun part which confuse many people is that containerd is used by Docker. The code that makes up containerd was originally part of the Docker Daemon but was abstracted from it to provide a more modular approach.

ContainerD CNFC Logo


containerd is an OCI compliant core container runtime designed to be embedded into larger systems such as Kubernetes. It provides the minimum set of functionality to execute containers and manages images on a node. It was initiated by Docker Inc. and donated later to CNCF. The Docker engine itself is built on top of containerd.

Wine 4.0 is here!

As expected, the launch of Wine 4.0 (No not the one you drink) , a new major version of this popular software with which to run Windows applications on Linux and other Unix-like operating systems, has been announced.

The project, which turned 25 years old last July, has not stopped its activity since it began. While it took version 1.0 15 years to appear, the following have gone much faster. As of the launch of Wine 2.0 in January 2017, the annual release schedule that is currently maintained is established and after Wine 3.0 arrives, how could it be otherwise, Wine 4.0 is here!

How can you use LaTeX formulas with LibreOffice

I have been getting the question more often lately on how to use LaTex Formulas in LibreOffice. I have even seem some folks suggesting to drop Libre Office just because they don’t see how to do that. I just wanted to highlight how you can work around this and use LaTex in Libra Office using the  TexMaths extension till Libre Office have it by default.


  1. Download the extension from
  2. Open LibreOffice Writer, go to Tools -> Extension Manager, and select the file (*.oxt) just downloaded.
  3. Close all instances of LibreOffice and start it again.
  4. Now you will see the new TexMaths extension toolbar:

enter image description here


6 reasons to switch to LibreOffice

LibreOffice is a great Open Source Alternative to many other commercial office applications out there, below is just few reason to consider Libre office in comparison to other office applications and in particular Microsoft Office assuming you have the option to choose which office you use on daily basis. 
Libre Office the Open Soruce Office Application
1. Common code and interfaces between applications

Unlike Microsoft Office (MSO), LibreOffice (LO) is not a set of independent applications grouped under a larger Solution Name. Libre Office applications have been designed/developed to share as much code as possible. There is several advantages this bring to the table including

  1. LO installation occupies less disk space than an MSO.
  2. Greater speed on the same machine.

How to check for NICs installed in your Redhat Machine

When asked how many NICs are installed in the Redhat Machine you are working on, you don’t have to run to the server room to check how many physically have been installed. Actually you don’t even need a screw drive to open the box and figure that out. It seems a lot of people are asking this question on daily basis: “How can we find out how many NICs are installed in our Redhat host without checking it physically?” As with everything else for Linux, there is a command that can do the trick for you and reports all the NIC cards that have been detected by the kernel. Below is all the commands you will need for the task:

What Tech Trends Can You Expect In 2013?

Technology has a short amount of time to grab our attention before it gets pushed to the side in favor of their newer, younger and more desirable models the next.

2012 saw the introduction of smarter smartphones, slimmer tablets and better wireless networks. So what trends can you expect to emerge in the next 12 months?

Hybrid laptops. The number of people who own a smartphone, laptop and tablet no doubt increased over the past 12 months. However, there might be a time in the near future where a laptop and tablet are one in the same. Dell released the XPS 12, which they market as part laptop, part tablet. The swivel monitor can sit upright like a traditional laptop, or fold on itself to only reveal the touchscreen, a la tablet. In 2013, look for hybrids like these to get the typical makeover: thinner and faster.

Install Flash Player on Ubuntu 10.04 64bit

This article will show how to install Flash Player on Ubuntu amd64 (64bit)

First of all, and to see if you have installed Ubuntu 64bit or 32bit Ubuntu, run in a terminal:

uname -m

The terminal will respond: x86_64 (meaning it is 64bit) or i686 (then it is 32bit)

The flash version that is installed by default in the system is from Medibuntu repositories for Ubuntu amd64. It’s the same that is installed with the  “ubuntu-restricted-extras” metapackage, but it is actually a 32-bit version, which is more stable. These instructions are for those who want the 64-bit version.

There are several ways to install 64bits flash and most of them will be discussed here.


Things to do after installing ubuntu 12.04 – PART II

By default, Ubuntu comes with everything that is necessary for everyday use, but as each user has different preferences, this article will describe some things that can be done after installation. For the first part of this article you might want to check out:



It is advisable to take a walk through the “System Configuration” menu where the user will find many options to configure Ubuntu. By default it is shows as part of the Launcher (launcher bar). It can also be opened it from the icon at “Shutdown> System Settings” on the right top panel.

In addition to the menu options mentioned above, there are many applications that can be installed to customize an Ubuntu installation, one of them is remarkable: