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Fedora 11 codename is Leonidas

With a total of 1108 votes of 2480 possible, the code name of Fedora 11 is as follows:


The other candidates names were untamed, Claypool, Brasília, Blarney, Duchess, Zampone, Euryalus.

The original note https: / /

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 is out

Red Hat, Inc., the leading global provider of open source solutions, has announced the global availability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 on the 20th of Jan 2009.

This third update of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 provides a wide range of improvements, including virtualization, significantly increased scalability, expanded hardware platform and supported the inclusion of OpenJDK Java technologies.

The new version is available for immediate download from Red Hat Network.

The original Red Hat Press.

Ah again I need to upgrade my servers :). Don’t You!!