Install Flash Player on Ubuntu 10.04 64bit

This article will show how to install Flash Player on Ubuntu amd64 (64bit)

First of all, and to see if you have installed Ubuntu 64bit or 32bit Ubuntu, run in a terminal:

uname -m

The terminal will respond: x86_64 (meaning it is 64bit) or i686 (then it is 32bit)

The flash version that is installed by default in the system is from Medibuntu repositories for Ubuntu amd64. It’s the same that is installed with the  “ubuntu-restricted-extras” metapackage, but it is actually a 32-bit version, which is more stable. These instructions are for those who want the 64-bit version.

There are several ways to install 64bits flash and most of them will be discussed here.


Note: Before installing, any previous installation must be removed:

That can be done with Sinaptyc (flashplugin-installer or flashplugin-nonfree) or with the Ubuntu Software Center (adobe flash addon).

If various methods are tested, the user must keep uninstalling all the packages that  have been previously installed.

Update on Ubuntu 10.10: after performing several installations / uninstalls in Ubuntu 10.10 and then doing a system update, flash (64bit) may not work anymore. At that point it may be recommended to uninstall it and then install the Ubuntu default one (32bits, (flashplugin-installer) and you will see it works perfectly. At first it may seem to be trashed but it works fine. At that point, it is recommended to keep the 32bits version instead of 64bits.


(Recommendation for new users)


add  Flash repositories from a terminal with the following command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash

Update the flash repository with this command:

sudo apt-get update


You can then install the flash plugin for 64 bits with this command:

sudo apt-get install flashplugin64-installer



(Recommended method for experienced users)


The user may want to install the 64bit version of flash from the official website, which is a pre-release and is not stable, so the quality is not premium, but it works well.

Go to:


Download the plugin:


It is a “tar.gz” package and installing it may be a bit tricky. To install it, user should follow these steps:

Copy the filel to /var/lib/flashplugin-installer, the console command should be similar to this:

tar xfz

sudo mv /var/lib/flashplugin-installer/

Having the plugin already in its place, the user must add it to the system alternatives for mozilla-flashplugin group:

sudo update-alternatives –install /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ mozilla-flashplugin /var/lib/flashplugin-installer/ 60


Finally make sure the newly installed plugin is set to be the default:

sudo update-alternatives –config mozilla-flashplugin

The active plugin is the one with the *, if /var/lib/flashplugin-installer/ is not the active option, just type the corresponding number and then hit enter.


Even though this methos is a bit longer that the traditional file copy and paste, it is better if the user considers this plugin becomes part of the system and that it can be changed with the command sudo update-alternatives –config at any time without reinstalling nothing.




Similar to the method described above but easier to install, recommended to beginner users.


If you ubuntu-tweak is already installed, all that has to be done is search for “flash 64”, select it and install. This will install the official Flash package.


There is also a Debian plugin (remember that Ubuntu is actually a Debian distribution) that solves the flash 64bits installation problem. Works perfectly and is the easiest to install.


Once downloaded, it can be installed with a simple double click on the .deb package:

Download page:


To download the Ubuntu 64bits package: “… amd64.deb”.

To download the Ubuntu 32bits package, which also works very well:  “… i386.deb”.


While installing, a pop up messagewill show saying that the license is adobe … . Click on “install now” and that is it.


Note: In Ubuntu 10.10 the gdebi package must be previously installed so that .deb packages can be installed with a simple double click.




In HelpForLinux, users made a bash script that downloads and installs the file:


Execute the following commands from a terminal




chmod +x


Press Enter twice and then run the following command:



Remember that you browser must be restarted after each installation method is applied.

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