How can you use LaTeX formulas with LibreOffice

I have been getting the question more often lately on how to use LaTex Formulas in LibreOffice. I have even seem some folks suggesting to drop Libre Office just because they don’t see how to do that. I just wanted to highlight how you can work around this and use LaTex in Libra Office using the  TexMaths extension till Libre Office have it by default.


  1. Download the extension from
  2. Open LibreOffice Writer, go to Tools -> Extension Manager, and select the file (*.oxt) just downloaded.
  3. Close all instances of LibreOffice and start it again.
  4. Now you will see the new TexMaths extension toolbar:

enter image description here


6 reasons to switch to LibreOffice

LibreOffice is a great Open Source Alternative to many other commercial office applications out there, below is just few reason to consider Libre office in comparison to other office applications and in particular Microsoft Office assuming you have the option to choose which office you use on daily basis. 
Libre Office the Open Soruce Office Application
1. Common code and interfaces between applications

Unlike Microsoft Office (MSO), LibreOffice (LO) is not a set of independent applications grouped under a larger Solution Name. Libre Office applications have been designed/developed to share as much code as possible. There is several advantages this bring to the table including

  1. LO installation occupies less disk space than an MSO.
  2. Greater speed on the same machine.