Looking For The Best Linux Operating Systems

Operating system is very popular with masses, as it is the platform by using which the users can communicate with computer, use its resources and get desired results. Depending upon the operating system, the people can communicate or pass commands by using either the command line interface or icons and graphical menu style.

Linux is a free open source operating system that means it is free to be distributed. It is available under General Public License. Different developer communities are working on the open source that is programming code behind this software. They came up many new ideas and additions. Various different operating systems are also available in the market today because of these sustained efforts started by Linus Torvalds.

Today we will discuss some of the best Linux operating systems that are available for you these days:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop: The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop is one of the best linux operating systems for personal use. Many small societies, enterprises usually require only 5-6 computers at their disposal. This is called workgroup. This operating system works well for this requirement. The requirements such as printer sharing, web browsing, network sharing, system management are available in abundance. The CPU capacity and the capability of operating system is more than could be required in normal usage. Moreover, it provides applications that are necessary as a part of the Linux distributions. The inbuilt support for utilities helps to carry out tasks, such as system defragmentation, file management with great stability, performance, usability and security features. Professional applications such as OpenOffice.org and LibreOffice form the complete office suite in themselves separately.

Linux Mint Debian Edition: This Linux edition is also known as one of the best Linux operating systems around. Its graphical user interface makes it very comfortable to use. Numbers of packages are provided in the categories that include accessories, education, games, graphics, Internet, office, science, sound and video, system tools, and programming. Software manager shows the important statistics regarding software download, such as remaining disk drive space and also the layout of the software and its application information.

Fedora: Another best Linux operating systems, Fedora can be installed smoothly on 400 MHz Pentium Pro, 768 MB memory as RAM, for general purpose. But, you will need 1 GB memory for optimal performance. For stable integration along with other applications, you will require 10 GB disk space. Packages are unique as AllegroOGG, which is an OGG movie library to use video channel or game library, and abook that is an addressbook program used to store your client’s information etc.

OpenSUSE: One of the best Linux operating systems, such as OpenSUSE is also provided on CD/DVD and live CD/DVD for multiple performance type processors of Intel and AMD types. OpenSUSE Skrooge lets the user create his/her budget and monitor it for different scenarios. The downloadable distributions contain 4.7 GB data containing many important packages, but a subset of complete distribution. The boxed DVD is a dual layer DVD available from only authorized dealers containing the complete package installation.

Ubuntu: Ubuntu is one of the best Linux operating systems available. Ubuntu is a Debian-based operating system. It is developed by Mark Shutteworth. Like other products, it is also distributed as CD/DVD. It contains Kdevelop for language localization, brag for setting up news servers, perl, php, python, ruby and science for handling specific scripts corresponding to them. It usually makes the person comfortable at working totally free of virus.

Kubuntu: Kubuntu is popular because of its KDE display environment, which differs from the Unity desktop environment of Ubuntu. A number of general-purpose utilities are available to accomplish tasks like web browsing, such as Firefox and Opera make the use of this operating system possible. You can also communicate with the use of Internet messengers. You can also create office documents of all kind with the use of Libreoffice suite.

Xubuntu: It is another best Linux operating system available. Xubuntu is Ubuntu-based operating system. Among the packages, you have utilities like Synaptic that can help you install and remove any package on your system, oneiric for PDF document creation, printing and display form part of the complete distributions. Other packages are also available for different purposes, such as abiword to use as word processor and many other plugins.

These are some of the best Linux operating systems available.

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