Best Linux operating system around

Linux is a free open source operating system developed by Linus Torvalds. He made it available to general public through General public license (GNU). According to this license, you can alter, modify, develop and redistribute the software with same privilege that you acquired when you download it. Being a open source software, it has been extensively modified and altered by many developer communities. These enhanced operating systems are available for use and distribution as free or paid products. You might find it difficult to figure out the best Linux operating system. Some of the best Linux operating systems are:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop is for household and personal use. They also form a part of workgroup. Considering the minimal demands on the personal computers, it provides applications, which are necessary with great stability, efficiency, usability and security features. It makes it easier for the users to maintain, such as system defragmentation and no virus threat. Also unanimous with usage, it supports number of third-party applications, their simpler upgrades and add-ons. Application such as and LibreOffice provide complete office suite including writer, drawing, spreadsheet, presentation and database. The output formats are of industry standards, which make its users to share their work easily with others. This is rated by the best Linux operating system by its users.

Linux Mint Debian Edition: Linux Mint is highly feasible and comfortable product because of its smooth graphical user interfaces, which include software manager. Highly visualizing services about the impact of installation such as remaining disk drive space and the layout of the software and its application information are industry standard features. The update manager is not limited to upgrading major applications but a mini version lets the users look for add-ons for the installed applications. Very fast boot sequence in black window with no logo or loading dots making it relatively easy to use live CD.

Debian: Debian is developed by Ian Murdock. Many latest operating systems are based on the Debian kernel. It is very reliable, virus free, stable, high performance sofware, controllable and easy maintainable. The distributions are available as CD/DVD, live CD for 32 and 64-bit processors. Number of packages are the part of distributions as administrative utilities, LISP, language packs, Mono/CLI, mathematics, communication programs, mail, databases, network, libraries, Perl, PHP, python, Ruby, games, fonts, GNOME, text processing, shells, sound, graphics and ham radio. People consider it as the best Linux operating system.

OpenSUSE: It is developed by Roland Dyroff, Hubert Mantel, Thomas Fehr and Burchard Steinbild. It comes with a number of application softwares, network management tools and user manual. It is distributable and installed using YaST graphical and RPM packages. XFCE brings the remote operations particularly convenient with filesystem browsing support and file progress dialogs. Tumbleweed lets you upgrade the application while they are still installed on your system, not requiring reinstall. Skrooge lets the user manage his budget with this software while KMyMoney lets export the reports about your financial situation.

Ubuntu: Ubuntu is a Debian-based Linux distribution developed by Mark Shutteworth. Distributed as CD/DVD and live CD/DVD available for 32 and 64-bit processor of Intel and AMD types can installed on servers, desktops, mobile phones, netbooks, mainframes and supercomputers. It can be recommended because of its high performance speed and ease to use. You can perform many tasks, which you can do with any Windows or other operating systems, such as locating files, system management, web browsing, creating documents such as spreadsheets, presentations, drawings, database and writer, locate apps, view photos and play multimedia files such as audio and videos. For installation, you will require 1 GHz CPU, 1 GB RAM, 15 GB of hard-drive space, 800 x 600 screen resolution, a CD/DVD installation media.

Kubuntu: Kubuntu is so called because it uses KDE desktop environment instead of Unity as in Ubuntu. It requires 384 MB RAM, 3-4 GB hard drive space and can be dual-installed with Windows. A number of applications are supported to make it feasible for general-purpose use. It includes web browsers such as Firefox,Opera, LibreOffice, system management utilities, and messengers. PeaZip is the free software for file and archiving. The files are available as cross platform compatibility. SoundKonverter is another open source software for converting audio files to different formats.

Xubuntu: Xubuntu is the Ubuntu-based Linux operating system. A number of packages such as oneiric for PDF document handling utilities, bins that help generating HTML photo albums using XML and EXIF tag are available as the part of the distributions on CD/DVD and live CD/DVD.

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